Hey future grandkids, we have you covered!
About 10 years ago, when I was looking to clear up some storage space in the garage, Tom and I put what I remember as “a few” of our kids’ favorite outgrown toys in the attic. Imagine our surprise when we went to retrieve them to pack them for our move to Gig Harbor (next week!) and encountered this:
Did we really save ALL this?
Oshkosh from the 80s and some dresses from the 50s! |
Kat's "My Twin" doll. It really does look so much like she did! |
My "Goldilocks" doll. This was my favorite doll when I was little. |
Lots of Beanie Babies. I wonder if any are collectors' items?! |
Disney characters galore! |
Our boys (and I include Tom!) always won the Pinewood Derbies. |
Peter loved rockets. |
Actual wooden Lincoln Logs! |
Where did these come from? I never let our kids play army -- did I??! |
Lotsa Legos. |
Tinker Toys - the real wood set. |
"Amoosh! (Young Alex's word for "animals." |
Cowboys & Indians? Seriously? Had we NO cultural awareness?! |
Trolls! Mostly mine from my childhood. |
K-Nex. |
Castle blocks. |
MORE Disney characters! |
Beast Wars! |
More K-Nex?! |
What was this gear toy called? |
Peter's karate belts |
Clothes sewn by Omi... |
...and knit by Omi! |
Nighnies! That well-lved one with the zig-zag stiching was both Tom's when he was a baby AND Elisabeth's. She adored it! |
I feared that I'd lost the German woodcuts. PHEW! |
Omi and Opa made the kids a puppet theater! |
Doll clothes, including the Riding Hood jacket that Golilocks wore when I was little. |
Yes, the Barbie and Ken are from the late 50s and very early 60s. |
Seriously? We kept ALL THIS?! What were we thinking?! |
Yes, it seems that we did!
Guess those grandkids won't get any new toys, just new additions to Nonni and Papa's toychest!