I didn't mean to give up on it; I meant to uninstall and reinstall it, in an effort to get it to work again. But now that I dumped it, I'm given error message after error message, preventing me from re-installing it. So I'm trying a new browser (Chrome) to see whether I can figure out this NOT-WYSIWYG-ness of Blogger.
Bear with me.
I have to type blocks of copy, inserting photos along the way. What topic allows me lots of photos? Oh, I know!
Amoosh! (Baby Alex's name for animals. In this case, Shasta and baby Quinn)
So far, so good. (And I could even drag and drop!) But what happens if I add a whole bunch of photos?
I miss Boo! (Enough of a text blog for testing purposes?)
Five amoosh!
Maybe Blogger works better in Chrome because Google owns both Blogger and Chrome. So far, this is not a frustrating experience.
Simon has a way of throwing things off - often literally... off a counter. So I'll live dangerously and post a few photos of him, seeing if I can disrupt the force.
Wow! I could drag and drop multiple photos at once - though I can't insert a break without inserting a caption.
Maybe I should reign things back to the safe zone. Posting a few photos of Boo (rest his kitty soul) should do that:
Wasn't he handsome?
Know how much I miss him? THIS much:
Damn that coyote!
Yeah, this is pretty much how I feel about Boo.
Good thing I have this girl to keep me company:
Not that she is a squishy, quintessential Golden puppy anymore. She's all grown up!
But she's still dang cute! Just like her big sister, Shasta... who is getting so OLD!
So this was fairly painless. Unlike writing blog posts with Blogger on Firefox, I have not been pulling out my hair and using flowery language, trying to get the output to match the input. This is good news! I just might begin to blog a bit more now.