Prague: Day two. So in love with this city!
I feel a bit like an intruder in this town. Not I, personally, as much as I, from 2014. It just seems to me that Prague arrived unwillingly into the 21st century.
As usual, we split the day into portions, with people grouping together in twos or threes - or in the case of a portion of my afternoon, delightfully alone.
The day began with four very tired hostelers wishing they could have gotten a better night's sleep and lamenting the decision to stay at hostels in each of the cities we're visiting. That was quickly remedied with the extremely helpful assistance of the staff at the Grand Hotel Praha, who were able to find rooms for everyone. That seriously made all the difference and we are extremely grateful!
After breakfast, Aleks brought us to Stepanska Street, where he lived for four months in 2010, when he studied with UW's CHID program in Prague.
While we were in the shopping district, I bought some bedding. Do you even know how happy I am to find covers for our European-sized individual duvet cover?! I might even buy another set before we head home.
Prague has many, many interesting museums. Oddly enough, we only have a photo of one of them.
After we returned to the hotel from Stepanska, people went in their own directions, with some visiting the Prague Castle (Tom took photos with the SLR which, as you know, can only be posted after we arrive home, since I'm blogging directly from my iPhone), some people taking naps (ahem, the party crowd), and some people (or in this case person... me) seeing some of the sites alone, at a leisurely pace.
"Awestruck" remains the best word to describe my impression of Prague!
Later in the afternoon, Eva met us again, this time with her boyfriend, Julius, who is wonderful! The two of them, Kat, and I decided to climb the clock tower and take some photos. Coincidentally, a storm has just blown through and the sun had just come out again, providing wonderful light!
In this first one, you can see our hotel apartment! Our room is the top window in the orangish building to the left of the blue one.
We looked for a non-touristy place for dinner and again marveled at the deliciousness of the Czech food! Tonight I had pork with red and white cabbage, along with bread dumplings.
For dessert, we all shares "beer battered apples with caramel." I know - sounds weird, but OMG!
After dinner everyone returned to our apartment for beer and a game of iPhone Catch Phrase. A perfect evening!
Tomorrow I hope to visit the Charles Bridge again, this time in daylight, and also visit the Jewish Quarter. Of course I also plan to be a typical tourist, shopping for a few souvenirs before we head back to Munich on Friday evening before flying back to Seattle on Sunday.

1 comment:
Wonderful memories of Prague. You will treasure these. It's such a well-planned trip, but also with some flexibility. I like that.
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