Hunkerin’ Down!
We’ve had such a mild winter in the Pacific Northwest… until this week! It snowed about 2” in Woodinville three days ago -- which means that (California driver that I am) I haven’t left the house in as many days.
Thanks goodness for Tom who stopped at the grocery store to stock up and who, as I type this, is braving the icy roads to bring Aleks back to UW so he can hunker himself down before THIS hits in the next 24 hours:
As long as there’s no wind to accompany this storm (because wind knocks down trees and knocks out power), I say bring it ON!
But only because I’m lucky enough to work at home in my jams and slippers…
To my Pacific Northwest family and friends, please don’t go out unless you need to. Hunker down, sip hot chocolate, and be safe!

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