The kitchen that was. (And is no more.) (And will be again.)
I don’t do well with chaos and unpredictability and messes. These things send me. But I am trying my absolute hardest to be as Zen as possible about this kitchen remodel.
It is not easy.
My cousin Claudia, who has been through a full kitchen remodel before, told me that it’s a little like childbirth – painful as hell, but worth it when the final result is all yours.
Just so you can vicariously experience my pain (which will bring about my joy), and so you can exclaim, “I’m sure glad that’s not meeee!” here are a few photos that I’ve taken over the past week or so:
ALL the wallboard in the kitchen is coming off.
For a while, I still had a sink, dishwasher, and stove. Although the place was a mess, it still functioned as a kitchen.
Then I lost my dishwasher…
…and I was down to a sink and a stove. The fridge and microwave had already been moved to the dining room.
Next weeknight project: removal of the old window and installation of a new, bigger window.
We only got a “teaser view” of the yard with our old window.
A new header…
(And torso.)
NOW look at our view!
Then I lost my stove and my sink, and now the kitchen has been stripped to its studs (by Mr. Stud).
This will me our make-shift kitchen for the next few weeks – though we’ll be washing dishes in the bathtub. (Ugh!)
And this is the rest of our community living area, waiting patiently while chaos swirls all around.
Oh lordy, give me patience!

1 comment:
Ours has been no where near that extensive and I was STRESSED. (still am not finished) However, that was one day with him coming to finish off the sink tomorrow. Not having a sink or dishwasher is a real pain. We also can't go into the laundry room which is our main entry to the house instead of the front door. I feel your pain!
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