Saturday, June 18, 2011

Shasta and Quinn: Serial cuteness

I’ve posted these on Facebook, but my blog is a much more reliable chronicle, so I want to include them here, too.  As you can see, these two are becoming fast friends – and partners in crimes of serial cute-itude!


And to think that we wondered whether Shasta would welcome a puppy…

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Anonymous said...

Cuteness overload!!! Carol, you really need to do a Shasta & Quinn calendar and sell it online. Then the book deal, leading to the movie, toys, etc. Hey, if Marley can do it...


Lynn said...

So seriously, I think your puppy has doubled in size in a week! They're adorable together

Goofball said...

wow Quinn grows fast!

Did Shasta ever live with puppies before?

Carol said...

Nope, she's never been a "puppy dog" before this!

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