Danny and Elisabeth went to Costs Rica and Nicaragua and brought home a little bug…
…a microscopic and quite dangerous little bugger, it seems -- right in poor Danny’s intestinal tract!
This post was going to consist of photos of some of the beautiful places Elisabeth and Danny visited on their trip, but thanks to some unwelcome drama, it’s now so much more interesting!
Let’s work backwards and just slightly out of order, shall we?
So last Saturday evening, Elisabeth called us from Queens, New York – which was not on the original itinerary. It seems that she and Danny had missed their flight back to Seattle and had been diverted through New York, requiring a night there. But after being cornered and detained (licenses confiscated!) earlier that day by a bunch of corrupt cops in Managua as they attempted to turn around on a dead-end street, they were just happy to be back in the states, so a little diversion was not a big deal.
(Yes, my maternal heart was pounding a mile a minute when I was listening to the story… just grateful that they were back and safe!)
Elisabeth and Danny came over for dinner on Sunday night, and we all enjoyed their stories, their photos, and their company. When the rest of us travel, we tend to go to “predictable” places, like Germany and Hawaii, but Danny is an adventurer and he travels to places like Vietnam (where he went last November, alone, traveling via motorcycle). For their first trip together, Danny suggested going to Central America, and Elisabeth (quite the adventurer herself) loved the idea. Tom and I were a bit nervous, but she’s almost 27, fergoodnessake; she will go and do what she pleases!
So anyway, we were treated to some wonderful photos of their trip. Photos like these…
After photos and dinner, Elisabeth and Danny left. Danny had mentioned that his stomach was bothering him “just a bit,” but no one thought much of it. Fast-forward a few hours and Danny had been admitted to the hospital with a severe intestinal infection. It’s been two days and he’s finally feeling a little better, but doctors are still mystified about what he has – and why Elisabeth doesn’t have the same thing.
Elisabeth thinks that Tom and I should go to South America for our next vacation. It all sounded pretty good, but I must admit, visiting Danny in the hospital today did give me pause. Maybe the Big Island or Lichtenstein should be our next vacation destination?!

That sounds awful! Yucky. I remember the nurse who administered my daughter's (and my) shots for Africa telling her not to swim in the ocean there. Apparently there is a very small but nasty worm that can get into the body and cause havoc. Hope he's soon better. Wish I could look at the photos, but I don't have the right program on my computer and don't want to download it.
HOT SAUCE! It took me two trips visiting my parents who lived there (CR) before it sunk in WHY people use hot sauce south of the border. Kills the bug... taste buds too. Wish him speedy recovery...
You can't live in fear! Have fun in South America! ;-)
Mom, Nicaragua and Costa Rica are in CENTRAL America, not South :)
And they finally figured out what he has; it's Campylobacter jejuni, which is common in unpasteurized milk, poultry, and unsafe tap water. Yummy.
Thanks for coming to visit us at the hospital yesterday! Love you!
ouch that doesn't sound like a fun bug...I hope he recovers fine & quickly.
Eating yogurt every day will usually prevent most travelers' diarrhea.
Sun damage is preventable too.
Good to know, Anon. Thanks.
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