Am I getting a bit obsessive with this “German bedding” thing?
I guess I can answer my own question, given this this newest ensemble which uses the fitted sheet and four pillowcases from an American set, paired with German duvet covers and German sized pillow cases/pillows:
(Hey, these even match my blog background!)
Some women love to shop for purses or shoes or jewelry or sweaters. But not me; I love to shop for textiles and dishes. Weird, I know – and challenging, because you just can’t buy German-sized bedding/textiles in America. So I get creative, mixing and matching what we have from Germany (thanks in large part to some of my German blogging friends!) with what I can find in the US.
So add the above ensemble to these. Pretty soon, if I don’t control myself, we’ll have a different look for the bedroom each week for a few months running!
The inverted (accent is patterned, duvets are solid) zoo look:
The ensemble I made from the fabric Marco brought me from India:
The softest, coziest polka-dot flannel on earth:
The stark black and white look (Tom’s favorite):
The spicy, on-fire look:
Another inverted look:
Snow white with kitty:
And the “we mean business ” striped ensemble:
Which is your favorite?

I love the blue(gorgeous color) and the Indian fabric. That would be fun to be able to change the look of the bed like that. I would need a bunch of different comforters! :)
> Am I getting a bit obsessive with this “German bedding” thing?
Well, that's a matter of opinion, I assume. If you like it, there's nothing obsessive about it. It's odd, that I pretty much dislike “German bedding”. At least when it comes to pillows. German pillows, particularly in southern regions, are scarily huge.
I like your latest. Very nice.
And your cat likes it too. I had to ban my black cat from the bedroom because she shed on my comforter covers and I got tired of it. Then I got tired of her meowing outside the door so I covered my comforter covers with a sheet and let her back in. Yes, I was controlled by a cat.....
given the fact that you have a brown wooden bed, you really miss some chocolate or wooden brown ones...with some bright colored stripe to lighten it up
Carol, I do understand you. I am obsessed with German bedding also.Lol.
Just love it, I have many different ones.
This year I will be going home to Germany and there I will be bedding shopping to my hearts content...I so wish we could buy them here.
They do have some nice duvet covers at Ikea, but they don't fit my German bedding...sigh...
I love all of yours......
Hi, Wondering - what is the softness factor of the covers available at Ikea? Their thread counts are usually pretty low, but I've learned that doesn't always matter.
I buy most of my duvet covers and linens from The Company Store. Just ordered some of their German flannel, too, for the winter. Since I'm single, the whole size and separate duvets aren't that important to me, and I'm fine with American sized pillows. So I just am always on the hunt for the finest covers, fitted sheets, and pillowcases that I can find.
BTW love your sage green and white ensemble!!! I like a solid duvet cover.
Thanks for all the info!! BTW have you ever checked This is a Scandinavian export site, and I find Danish and Swedish bedding to be comparable in comfort to German bedding.
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