If she’s 26 years and 6 months, there must be a wedding dress!
Last night we were all just chillin’ when somehow the subject of wedding dresses came up. With two 20-something young women in the house and shows like Say Yes to the Dress on TV, this is not all that unusual -- not that anyone in our family is even close to getting married… but that doesn’t stop them from offering opinions about weddings – and wedding attire. I think this whole shenanigans started with Elisabeth’s assertion that “There is NO WAY anyone these days would ever wear a dress like your wedding dress!”
To which I, of course, answered, “What’s wrong with my wedding dress? I love my wedding dress!”
At which point eyes rolled. Of course.
At which point I invited Elisabeth to see the dress for herself. “No really – go get the dress! It’s in the garage on the freezer, in a box…”
At which point, more eyes rolled. (Actually, the same eyes rolled. Again.)
She laughed and headed downstairs, as if all she had to do was hold up my wedding dress and I’d see how out of style it actually is.
(Duh – it’s completely out of style NOW. It has sleeves, furgodsake. And an actual neckline! Eeeewwww!)
The box was opened, the dress unwrapped, and before we knew it, this was happening…
“I STILL love it,” I insisted. (And I do – especially on her!) “That’s good, mom! You should love it!”
And then we had a full-fledged fashion show, complete with a few doozer facial expressions –some from Elisabeth (which reiterate Elisabeth’s feelings about the dress, and which made me love the dress – and her – all the more) and some from Tom who must have found it odd to see his “little girl” in her mother’s wedding dress.
(So I’m interspersing the photos of Elisabeth with photos of me on my wedding day.)
As much as we were all enjoying this, Elisabeth was adamant that this meant nothing because she really is, in her own words, a bit “freaked out about the thought of marriage.”
Gee, can you tell?
It was only after all the shenanigans were over that we realized that Elisabeth is now the exact same age – 26 years and 6 months – as I was when Tom and I got married!
How crazy is that?!