Yet another sauerbraten, käsespätzle und rotkraut dinner
Are you bored yet? We’ve done this every year since this blog began…
and over…
and over…
and over…
and sometimes multiple times per year. And yet here I am again, telling you about tonight’s sauerbraten, käsespätzle und rotkraut dinner.
I wanted to finally post recipes, but to tell you the truth we don’t have any! Peter cooks the sauerbraten by taste, adding stuff like red wine vinegar, molasses, ginger snaps, and beef broth a bit at a time until it tastes just right.
Craig (Tom’s brother) is the onion man.
Would you believe that there are 12 large onions cooking down in that frying pan?
And THIS is how much cheese we bought for the käsespätzle (but we only used three of these packages… the top one is Emmanthaler):
When cooking a German dinner, always drink beer! Right, Kat?
Once the sauerbraten is cooking, start the rotkraut:
I pretty much just dump red cabbage, apple slices, vinegar, brown sugar and clove into a pot and turn the heat on low.
Let everything cook for a while.
Now it’s time to get the spätzle dough going. I let the guys do this. First little brother…
Then big brother.
Enlist daughters and friends in making the dumplings…
Then it’s time to construct the käsespätzle. All SIX casserole dishes full of it!
And then, finally, it’s time to eat!
Schmaltzy as it is, there is nothing – positively nothing, like a big, happy, delicious family dinner!