What happened to Halloween?
I used to look forward to Halloween, when my mom would sew adorable costumes for the kids (she made all four of these!) and we’d take them trick-or-treating once around the block, then marvel at the 25 pieces of candy they each got, comparing, organizing, and maybe even tasting their loot.
Such excitement was almost more than they could bear and by 8:30 they were in bed in their feet-pajamas, exhausted and happy.
These days, this seems to be Halloween (taken at our local Halloween store):
This woman, rocking methodically in the creaking rocking chair, was just freaky. Her mouth was absolutely terrifying! Can you imagine a 4-year-old ballerina-princess coming upon this in some prankster’s front yard?!
This refrigerator was jam-packed with… body parts.
Adorable, isn’t it?
This kid was seen just a few minutes earlier, exploring the fridge.
And this was just… well, call me a stick-in-the-mud, but this was just inappropriate! This girls was just alone on the carpet…
In her case, seeing her face actually added some levity!
Kat found a new friend…
As did Tom.
I was just happy to run into George Clooney!
He saved me from all the freaky, scary, disgusting stuff. Oh, George!
Fortunately, Shasta’s still willing to be cute on Halloween!
See that adorable Raggedy Ann there in the first photo? My sweet angelic Kat is going to Elisabeth’s Halloween party tonight dressed as a… well, you guessed it --
…a devilish temptress!