Time for a meme
I haven’t done a meme in a long time, so I thought I’d dive into this one. Feel free to do it yourself!
Now Vs. Then Meme
*Think back to ten years ago on this month.
*Write truthful answers and ELABORATE. This makes it more interesting!
*It's about personal changes. Have fun with it!
Then: August 1999:
1. Age: 42
2. Romantic Status: In 1999, Tom and I had been married 16 years. Ours kids were 15, 12, 9 and 9. We were happily married, though probably more focused on raising our kids than on our marriage. Our toughest years years as a couple were still a few years off. Here’s Tom and me in late 1999:
3. Occupation: I was working as the Lead Educational Design Consultant on my second (or was it third?) Blue’s Clues PC game for Humongous Entertainment. I was on the core design team for four games: Blue’s 123 Time Adventures, Blue’s ABC Time Adventures, Blues Birthday Adventure and Blue’s Treasure Hunt Adventure. I not wrote a bunch of the storylines, I also was responsible for assuring the games’ developmental and educational appropriateness and I created the problem sets (content). This was the first job where I had a fairly heavy hand in marketing -- writing marketing materials not only for the Blue’s Clues games, but for Freddi Fish, Spy Fox and some Putt-Putt games and ever since then I’ve always tried to stay involved in marketing. The entire experience was a great adventure with great people. I absolutely loved that job!
4. Fun night out: We were heavily involved in the kids’ extra-curricular activities in 1999, so a night out usually involved attendance at a school function (a play, dance, parents’ night, whatever) and then often a trip to the local Shari’s restaurant for a family dessert.
5. My BFFs: Tom’s sister and her family lived in our town and my sister-in-law Marcy was my best friend, while the cousins were just about inseparable. When they moved to Idaho a few years later, we all felt an emptiness for a long time. I often still do. Coincidentally, Marcy will be here this weekend to participate in the Danskin mini marathon. It’ll be great to see her! I haven’t seen her in over a year! Tina, her daughter who was Kat’s best friend/cousin for years (that’s them, below – around 1999), is about to join Peter at WSU, so that will be great.
6. I spent way too much time: worrying about money.
7. I spent not enough time: alone with each kid.
8. What I wanted to be when I grew up: someone with a hobby or interests of my own.
9. Biggest concern: See #6.
10. What my biggest concern should have been: spending more time with extended family – my parents, brothers, cousins. Although we saw them fairly often when the kids were young, we saw them less and less as the kids became busy teenagers… and we see them far too seldom now. This is my parents and their kids and grandchildren, probably around 2002 or 2003. Mom was already sick and is sitting down.
11. Where did I live: In the same house we live in now, but Tom hadn’t finished his magic yet!
12. Dumbest thing I did that year: No clue! Fortunately nothing earth-shattering or I’d remember it.
13. If I could go back now and talk to myself I would say: Your mother-in-law was right: your kids’ childhoods DO go by so very quickly!
Now: August 2009
1. Age: 52
2. Romantic Status: Married 26 years, and counting.
3. Occupation: Senior Project Manager on technology, content and marketing projects for Microsoft. I’m learning a LOT by working for various business units, meeting great people, and expanding my geeky horizons, but I miss working in the educational media arena.
4. Fun night out: Anything we want! Babysitters are no longer a concern.
5. My BFFs: My daughters. (No, we didn’t each just drink a bottle of wine! Elisabeth had just refreshed a sangria punch bowl at the shared birthday party that she and her housemates threw.)
6. I spend way too much time: online. (?)
7. I spend not enough time: exercising.
8. I want to be when I grow up: I want to travel more and see countries like Greece and the Maldives.
9. Biggest concern: My stress level and how it’s affecting my health. Oh, and getting these kids through college!
10. What my biggest concern should be: I’d say those are appropriate stresses, wouldn’t you?
11. Where do I live: Same place we lived in 1999 – except Tom has done his magic on the majority of the house by now. (Time for the next remodeling round?!)
12. Dumbest thing I have done this year: Slipped on the ice and broken my ankle!
13. What I think I would say to myself in 10 years: Are you healthy? Are you happy? Aren’t those grandchildren of yours adorable? ;-)
1. What do I miss most from 1999: Being 42! It was a fabulous age and a great year.
2. What do I miss least from 1999: No time for myself.
3. What have I accomplished in 10 years that I am most proud of: Our four kids have grown to be amazing young adults and I’m incredibly proud of each one of them.
4. What have I NOT accomplished in 10 years that I wish I had: I haven’t written that novel and I haven’t made the name for myself professionally that I’d have hoped.

slipping as dumbest thing? As if you've done so deliberately? Don't be so hard on yourself!
I loved this meme, Carol. I'm sure it gave you wonderful insights. It was also fascinating for me to learn more about you!
Great meme, but you did such a wonderful job with it that I'm intimidated to do it myself. I was about the same age as you( a little older) and also very involved in kid activities.
Thanks Margaret. Hey, just DO it!! Please??!!
OG, I was in grad school ten years ago studying like hell for my qualifying exam. I was so burnt out by September! A fun night out involved drinking more liquor and dancing more than I have in the past five years combined. Good times.
Hubby and I spent Christmas/New Years 1999/2000 in Germany. Best time EVER. Real candles on the tree and terrific fireworks on New Years Eve.
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