This is the house that Tom built
Remember when Tom and Peter demolished our old garden shed last summer…
…and then Tom began building a writer’s retreat for me?
(Carol? Wake up!)
Er, I mean when Tom started building his workshop man cave?
Well, somewhere during that period of time Tom got laid off – which meant that his literal man cave became a figurative one as well, and he threw himself into his new “job.”
This is the result:
Even the inside is amazing! Every surface is covered with peg board (which must be to men what shoes are to women).
Now “all” that’s left is building a workbench, assembling some cabinets, and the fun part (for me), moving all his man stuff out of the garage and into his man cave.
I know what you’re thinking. Tom’s unemployed… he does beautiful work around the house… he should do this stuff for a living. Right?
Tom is a total perfectionist when it comes to building and remodeling! The fireplace downstairs took him two years to build.
From this:
To this:
The upstairs fireplace took a year.
From this:
To this:
Our bathroom… Well, I don’t even have before photos, but here are a few “afters”:
And the downstairs bathroom went from this godawful mess…
To this (also over a period of more than a year!):
If he weren’t such a dang perfectionist and if he could just so schlocky work like I do (around the house, anyway), maybe he could make a decent living at this, but would YOU wait a year for a fireplace or a bathroom?
We haven’t begun remodeling our kitchen yet. Guess why?

He does wonderful work and doesn't charge much,does he? :) My husband is out of work or underemployed too which means lots of house projects that are chaotic, thankfully on the outside. I'm hoping that they are done in a timely fashion. *laughs nervously*
P.S. I'm not showing my husband the man cave; he would be very envious.
It might take a while, but at least he does FINISH his projects. Unlike a husband I know... (grrrr)
I think Tom does wonderful work, it is well worth waiting for....
My husband is a perfectionist also, so I am used to it..
Love all your remodels, very special, and love the man cave also...but I definately think it would have made a wonderful writting retreat for you...lololol
Aww, that's so cute! You've got a real craftsman on your hands there but yeah, if you want to work in that trade you need to be good AND really, really fast. We had a friend who had a closet assembly company (or something) and he said if his workers couldn't put the stuff together in 30 mins flat they wouldn't be working for him for very long.
Fireplace is also fabulous - must show that one to my husband.
Wow, I love the workshop. I'm the "handyman" (woman) around here and I would love that. Curious how he's going to use all that pegboard (love the stuff on the cathedral ceiling); I've had terrible luck with the hooks falling out of my pegboard so I've rigged up different tools-hangers. But as much of a craftsman as he is he probably has 100X the number of tools as I have!
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