Seattle has the nicest people…
…including, this weekend at least, my aunt Ulli and her husband Michael, who traveled here from the San Francisco Bay Area and are staying with us for a few days.
On Friday, Ulli and Michael visited friends of theirs who live in the area and found themselves lost as they tried to get back to our house. An older couple at a gas station they’d stopped at about 5 or 6 miles from our house noticed that they looked a bit bewildered and asked if they were lost.
“As a matter of fact, we are,” Ulli answered. The couple asked for our address, entered into their GPS system, and instructed Ulli and Micahel to follow them. They then led them all the way to our house, then waved them off.
Seattle has the nicest people!
In other news, the Blue Angels were in town today, so we went to Medina Beach Park to have a picnic and watch them perform.
Unfortunately I took about 7 videos but not one of them turned out decently (and, since I was trying to capture video I missed the full impact of the show – grrr!), so here’s one from YouTube:
The day ended with a bar-b-que with all four kids home – which, with their busy social and work schedules, is quit a feat!
Tomorrow we’ll play Seattle tourist again. This time I’ve given myself the photographic challenge of depicting the flavor of Seattle with none of the traditional and obvious landmark shots. Think I can do it?
Seattle Daily Photo, help me!

It's always lovely to have family visit. The Blue Angels were here just last weekend - they get around!
Seattle is known for having good people who wait at street lights even in the middle of the night when the street is empty. I believe the NW in general is filled with great people.
And the Blue Angels...they give me goose bumps. Seafair is a grand time of year to have a family reunion!
I've read that Seattle also has very honest people who in tests outperformed most of the country in returning wallets. I know that several people have been wonderful about calling us when they found my daughter's stuff, after her purse was stolen. Have a great day in Seattle--the weather is perfect.
so sweet of the guiding couple!
Gosh, Ulli's husband Michael looks just like my dad. Is he of Irish/English descent? Perhaps they're related.
Lilly - not sure where he's from. I just know that he grew up in NY.
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