Sauerbraten, käsespätzle, rotkraut, Bananagrams, family, friends, and pets.
It was a fantabulous day! We started cooking early. The rotkraut is always my responsibility.
When it comes to making sauerbraten, Peter subscribes to my mom’s credo: “Das fuehlt man.” (One just feels it.)
This is Bear, Jack’s Bernese Mountain Dog. (Jack is one of CJ’s co-workers.) Would you believe she’s scared of men (except Jack, of course), but loves women?
The weather was perfect so we could finally be on the deck. Yeah – spring is definitely here! Finally!
Peter and Shannon. They’re a great couple, and very happy. They keep each other – and everyone around them – laughing!
Beer – of course! This is, after all, a traditional German dinner!
Jack and Bear. Look at those faces!
Kat’s pre-dinner Bananagram!
Peter and Tom – classy chefs. (Not…)
Shannon and Kat try to rile Boo. Nope, not happnin’! The cat is MELLOW.
Everyone gets put to work. Elisabeth and Jack are preparing strawberries for strawberry shortcake. CJ is… um… supervising!
Tom and Elisabeth “constructing” the Käsespätzle. OK, actually Tom is constructing and Elisabeth is tasting. Do you really want to know how much butter and cheese (and onions) are in this stuff?!
CJ and Elisabeth – cute couple, n’est pas?
Aleks and Kat are ready to eat! Where’s the foooood?
The whole gang – Aleks, Kat, CJ, Jack, Tom, Elisabeth, Peter, and Shannon. Dig in!
I inhaled it.
…and, I’m ashamed to say, this to.
After dinner we played more Bananagrams. Boo had to get in on the action, of course. His tail was right in Tom’s playing space!
We would have spelled “catatonic,” but the letters fell off when he breathed.
Shannon’s in love. Obviously, Boo’s in love too.
I had visions of Boo getting his head caught in the pitcher and stopped this. Does that mean I’m an overprotective cat lady?
It was a great day! The weather was great, the company was great, and the food was great. What more can I ask for?

Great Family....
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the game on guys are such a crazy fun bunch. Can I come and play exchange student in your family? I'd love it for sure.
oh and Bear, so cute!
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