Lazy morning. Lazy afternoon.
Lazy morning: Buttermilk pancakes made from scratch with fresh raspberries and whipping cream.
Lazy afternoon: Today’s beautiful sunny and warm Seattle weather called for a physical therapy session in our backyard forest with Kat and Shasta. Scary, because it’s the first time I’ve stepped ankle foot back there since my injury and the first time since then that my foot’s been on really unstable and uneven terrain.
After the Winter we had, this weather is much appreciated. I have a feeling 90% of Seattle-ites found their way outside today… and I keep thinking it’s a good thing I got hurt during our dismal, gloomy weather and not during this glorious weather. Which is actually a ridiculous thought, considering I got hurt on the ICE!
On another note, someone please send me a meme or something to spark my creative juices, cuz I done all dried up. I swear, I’ve got something worse than a simple case of writer’s block; I think I’m afflicted with a bad case of work-and-worry syndrome… which has pretty much zapped me dry of all else.
And on another-nother note, this was the post I tried to publish all evening on Saturday. Looks like Google now has my money for additional storage and has finally opened the gates, allowing me once again to publish photos! (That does not, however, solve my severe writer’s block dilemma!)
And on another-nother-nother note, the wireless network adapter on my laptop apparently just up and disappeared as I slept last night. No kidding – this morning there was no indication whatsoever of any wireless network adapter on my machine. Even Microsoft HelpDesk (a very useful perk of working at Microsoft) is baffled, and my only option at this point seems to be going in to work for on-site help – which I simply refuse to do on a very much-needed three day weekend. So I’m limping along (and that’s being generous) on my archaic and incredibly slow 4-year-old Dell laptop.
I’m through with technology (for today at least) and I’m gonna go watch me a few mindless chick flicks on Comcast On-Demand.

Those pancakes look incredible. Where did you get the raspberries? I don't really do very many memes, so I can't help you out there. Blog blocks are no fun
Looks like you really needed this blissful day off, Carol.
I hope it was as lovely as it seemed.
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