Monday, April 27, 2009

A day of wine tasting in the Napa Valley

Tom and I spent a wonderful, warm, relaxing day in Napa.  There were no crowds.  Wine and sunshine were abundant.  I am decidedly not ready to return to rainy Seattle and work tomorrow!

Just pictures today:




IMG_2787 IMG_2596 IMG_2608 IMG_2624 IMG_2628 IMG_2630 IMG_2637 IMG_2662 IMG_2664 IMG_2668 IMG_2672 IMG_2708 IMG_2720 IMG_2724 IMG_2740 IMG_2749 IMG_2753  IMG_2763

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Tonya said...

Ooooohhhhhh, sigh. Mmmm.

(And I LOVE Beringer White Zin!)

Anonymous said...

Ah, now this is my kind of day! We just did the Upland Wine Trail in Southern Indiana. Yum.

renate said...

we just did the wine region the the pfalz in germany. the weather, wine and food were all great. as a matter of fact, the weather here in the old fatherland has been terrific as long as we have been here. it did rain, but only at night, the days are in the high 60s, low 70s. now if i could just get used the the different keyboard here, i would be happy. we are coming home next tuesday and i hope it will have warmed up in the seattle area by then.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures! Especially the door pictures. I have a thing for doors :)
It looks like a lot of fun. I've always wanted to go to Napa.

vailian said...

Is the one picture of the Mondavi vinyard? I did a concert there for Robert Mondavi back in the days when no one had heard of him.

Margaret said...

Wow, just WOW. I don't like wine, but I would love the ambiance of the place. Wonderful.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing, gorgeous place. Thanks for sharing your photos.


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