Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why I love Trader Joe's: ""It's the $2 wine that tastes like 4..."

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Anonymous said...

"The apple juice that's addictive as crack" - How true. Love that stuff.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Trader Joe's. (Their radio commercials suck, though).

Anonymous said...

That was hilarious! Can you believe I've never been to a Trader Joe's? It seems all the cool people are doing it.

Treff said...

Carol- I have never wanted to move back to the States but I think you just convinced me with this!! I MISS YOU TJ's!!!!!

Blog Antagonist said...

ROFL. I love Trader Joe's but never get to go. The closest one is by husband's work, 40 mins from here. He always stops on his way home. We LOVE two buck chuck! It tastes like at least $6 a bottle.

Anonymous said...

This video is great! I forgot how much I've missed TJs since we moved. There isn't one very close now, but I think a TJ trek will be in order very soon. Thanks for the reminder.


Gail - Fort Rock Glimpses said...

Wow! Very cute commercial. I know that wine!!! We call it 2 buck Chucks.

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