My first post-surgery bath: blissful, bubbly, blog-worthy (yes-huh!) -- and dedicated to Lynn!
My dear friend Lynn stopped by unexpectedly yesterday, shortly after I returned from the "reveal" (cast removal) at Harborview Medical Center. It was great to see her again and I apologized profusely for not yet returning the dishes in which she delivered that delicious dinner a few weeks ago. (I'd been meaning to do that!) She she didn't have time to chat but wanted to drop off "a little something," knowing that I'd soon be taking my first post-surgery bath -- and how much I've been missing my nightly bath.
This is what Lynn bequeathed upon me:
Thanks to Lynn, I just had the most gloriously wonderful bath, actually immersing my foot INTO the water and soaking it (and all of me) for a very long time! Yes, I did keep thinking about how much work I have to do and how I can't afford this indulgence, but I tried very hard to quell those thoughts... over and over again. It wasn't easy getting in and out of the rub (think about it - how do you climb out, keeping your weight off one foot?!), but it was well worth it and I do believe I'm back to my nightly bath ritual.
Thanks Lynn!

Glad you are starting to regain your mobility! What an experience!
YAY you got your bath!
It was worth it to hear how much your enjoyed your first post-cast bath! :)
Yay you! Yes, I would imagine getting in and out of the tub would be dicey!
A lot of arm action? I would have no clue how to do it. I'm not very strategic.
oh wow what a sweet gesture. Don't you love friends like that?
Glad you took your time to enjoy your bath! don't forget to keep that different new perspective on life, right :)...things like lazy relaxing baths are important!
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