Wednesday, January 07, 2009


So I was able to see Dr. Benirschke today at 8:45 because there was a cancellation in his very busy schedule. Although we didn't actually meet with him till 2:00, it was worth the wait. He talked with us as if he had all day to answer questions, teach us about the fascinating (to him) human foot, and to explain what I'm in for.

Here's one of the things he taught us. I broke these two bones, apparently in a total of three places:


So here's what I'm in for: Surgery is tomorrow morning at 7 AM (we have to be at the hospital at 6!), will last about four hours, I will be in the hospital for about three days, and the recuperation will be long (8 weeks before I can even put any weight on it!).

I know. One stupid little slip got me here. And I don't even have a good story to tell! I'm just gonna have to make one up.

I begged to take my laptop with me to the hospital, but they forbid it, which means NO work blogging until at least Sunday. OK, so the surgery will be an ordeal... but no blogging?! Now that's an ordeal!

Soooo...can anyone suggest a good book?

*Title courtesy of my creative friend, Lynn!

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loren2h said...

Be well Carol!

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised that the recovery period is eight weeks and I'm sure you'll face a long period of physical therapy too. Good books - hmm. I enjoyed the Edgar Sawtelle book, also Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult. Right now I'm re-reading The Last Time They Met by Anita Shreve. My all-time favorite is The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I usually don't recommend books because everyone has different tastes, but since you asked . . .

I hope your surgery goes well and your recovery is relatively swift.

Jay said...

I would recommend, "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman/Terry Pratchet. A struggle of good versus evil with a very humorous touch.

BethanyWD said...

Gosh - I sure will be thinking about you - will your husband be at least able to Tweet an update? I hope so.

BTW, I have found that all these "famous" doctors at UW/Harborview run these schedules basically triple - booked for their clinic appointments (meaning their was probably AT LEAST 3 other people scheduled at your same time).

However, I am really glad to hear that it was worth the (painful) wait and that he was able to answer all your questions. Sounds like you are in good hands.

A few advices for surgeries (I have have had 1, 12 hour back surgery, a, 6 hour back surgery, 1 c-section and a few spinal "procedures"):

If they offer anti-nausea meds pre-surgery - take them.

If they give you a PCA (patient-controlled analgesia) after surgery - really, hit the button whenever it hurts. And don't be afraid to tell the nurse you are in pain - they aren't you, they can't measure your pain.

Don't be afraid to take the pain meds once home - I have found it's critically important to stay on top of the pain - if you think you feel okay and wait to take a dose and the pain comes back full force, it can be REALLY hard to kill the pain again.

And if they meds they prescribe have bad side affects for you (one narcotic made me hallucinate!), call in and have them get you something else.


At let us know (book suggestions, ipod lists, funny blog posts) how we can help.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I don't see how a laptop and a little blogging would interfere with your recuperation? But I guess they know best.

Hope the surgery is easy for you and that you enjoy the complete rest! Could be nice... I don't have any books to recommend but I've been doing Sudoku puzzles lately and I enjoy doing the easy ones. I find 'em very restful so you might too.

Anonymous said...


Ugh. I'm sure you're anxious and scared, but in a mere 12 hours you'll be underway (and probably unaware) and then on REALLY good painkillers for 3 days so I would think boredom will be your worst enemy. Thankfully you've got all this lovely family around to visit and cheer you up! (and if you were on this side of the lake, I'd come too :) )

I'm surprised they said no laptop. It doesn't seem any worse than watching endless hours of TV. But listen to what they say- Harborview is a GOOD place to be for this.

I liked Edgar Sawtelle a lot (and it's nice and long.) For what I'm guessing will be a quick but enjoyable read I've got The Sweet In-Between on my list. I just started Songs Without Words and am enjoying it so far.

Take care, and I hope you get some sleep tonight! If you want me to update your anxious blog readers, Tom can call me with updates and I'll post a comment here.


Anonymous said...

Carol, I broke my ankle in those same places 20 years ago. I know your surgery will go very well. I also had a brilliant doctor and that made things much easier.

As far as books, have you read the Twilight series. They take place right in our own backyard (in Forks).

Cindi (formerly of Seattle now living in Sequim)

Margaret said...

What kind of book do you like? I have just read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society which was very good and The Story of Edgar Sawtelle which was interesting. (but not my favorite) Good luck on your surgery. It's great that you're getting it out of the way soon so you can start getting back to normal.

Anonymous said...

Breaks my heart that you can't blog or twitter—and what is UP with that? That just seems...WRONG. (You can read a book but you can't be on your laptop? I could understand that if you'd broken your WRIST or THIGH...)

I don't know what types of books you enjoy, but some of my recent favorites have been the Potato Pie book that Margaret mentioned (it was really good); anything by Dean Koontz—highly recommend the Odd Thomas series; anything by Richard Russo; The English American by Alison Larkin; Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen; anything by Nevada Barr if you like outdoorsy adventure mysteries; and anything by Pat Conroy if you haven't read him before. That's an eclectic mix.

I'll definitely be thinking of you tomorrow morning. You'll be on your way to recovery. Wow, long haul, but like you said, it is what it is. Maybe a destiny thing. Sometimes when life is so crazy, we need a reason to take that "step" (pun) back.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I don't check in for a few days and THIS is what you are up to? That picture in the hospital just breaks my heart...

Let me know if there is anything you need as I'm in and out all day. Like if you get a craving for a latte or the dog wants out or whatever. Just call. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

War and Peace?? Joking!

Umm, Amy Tan novels are always good for reading straight through cause they are complicated.
A good mystery suspense like the Bourne Identity series. Jennifer Weiner books are fun. Anything by Kate Morton.

Good luck with the surgery!

Treff said...

Carol-I am SO sorry to hear this! Wish I was in Seattle to help out... you are going to need it! I also broke my ankle exactly where you did (during a soccer game) and it took a lot of time to recover.

As far as books, here is my book club list. These are all Man Booker prize winners or shortlisted and I have enjoyed every title immensely so far.


The Gathering, by Anne Enright

The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears, by Dinaw Mengestu

Space Between Us, by Thrity Umrigar

In the Country of Men, by Hisham Matar

The Quest for Christa T, by Christa Wolf

The White Tiger, by Aravind Adiga

Animal's People, by Indra Sinha

Delirium, by Laura Restrepo

Chronicle in Stone, by Ismail Kadare

March: A Novel, by Geraldine Brooks

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar
Wao, by Junot Diaz

Ancestor Stones by Aminatta Forna
The Lizard Cage, by Karen Connelly

AmberBee said...

So sorry for your tootsie! Hope you feel better soon.

WendyC said...

Ouch! I feel your pain. Well, no I don't really. But OUCH! So what's with the computer? You type with your toes? Get well and do everything they say, you renegade.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Sorry to hear of your accident. A few books I've loved this year:
*Tuesdays with Morrie -Mitch Albom
(also- 'For one more day' and 'Five people you meet in heaven' by same author)
*Alfred and Emily by Doris Lessing
*Fried Green Tomatoes (forgot authors name and lent it to a friend)
*The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
Speedy recovery!

Betsy said...

I just wanted to wish you luck in surgery tomorrow. Dare I say "Break a leg"?! ;-)

Take care, and here's to a speedy recovery!

Berlinbound said...

I just tuned in to your blog after a bit of time away - Yikes! I'm wishing you well in your operation and recovery.


jennifer said...

I keep checking back to see if you're home yet. I hope the event went well and that you won't be flooded out getting back home.

Goofball said...

how wise that the doctors forbid you to bring your laptop. You need the rest girl! Good luck and very well recovery wishes sent to you!

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