Geeked Out!
I've had a Facebook account for well over a year, but until last weekend, when Kat gave me a guided tour and helped me post photos, my account was pretty much dormant.
No more!
As a Blogger, a Stumbler, a Tweeter, a Flickrer, a LinkedIner, and a Facebooker, I am now officially geeked out!
Is this something for a 52-year-old baby-boomer to be proud of or is it just completely pathetic?

Online friends of mine pretty much forced me to get a Facebook account in order to keep in touch after the forum we had been posting at for the last 8 years kind of deteriorated. At first I found it kind of creepy, but now that I've figured out how it works it's not all that bad. Hey, now I can waste even MORE time on the internet! :-)
I was shoved onto it by my various exchange kids, but now I completely love it. And I love it more than twitter, etc., because I feel the need to "PARTICIPATE" with twitter, and Facebook is so much on my own schedule. I know, I could just shut off twitter... but I'm just not geeked enough to be totally geeked out. ;-)
I guess I'm safe from ever being called a geek, since I don't know what most of those things are.
I fear more time-waste if I activate my Facebook acct. I'm sitting in front of the computer too much as it is, keeping up on Blogs, Twitter, emails, and LinkedIn (and my LinkedIn acct now has about 5 emails and "requests to link" that I have to attend to). OhYeah, there's also those Flickr photos.
I'll need to learn to manage my time better (and get away from the damn desk!) before I sign up for another online diversion.
But I think if you can make the time for another social networking outlet, go for it!!
I joined Facebook, too, but I'm not all that jazzed with it. (Probably need a tour...) However, since my son has now joined the Navy, I signed on to "Navy for Moms", which is very much like Facebook (but for Navy moms, duh). I sense I may be more intrigued with that...
I haven't gotten into Facebook that much yet, except for the quizzes. I love them!
I think I'd be jealous of all your geekiness if I had any idea of what half of that stuff was!
The only reason I have a Facebook is because one of our friends went to work for them...I often forget I have it! Maybe I should get one of the girls to show me all the fun stuff!
I'm usually online on the Facebook chat...come by and say hi :)
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