Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Need a Writing Prompt!

Damn that NaBloPoMo! I'm completely blank! Someone give me a writing prompt -- QUICK!!


PS: This post counts... right?

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Anonymous said...


Probably NOT a good idea to talk about how all of our retirement funds are totally flushed down the toilet...

Something uplifting? Uhm...

jennifer said...

this post totally counts!

I say, open your fridge, take a pic, post, then have contest to see which commenter can name the most items.

Anonymous said...

I like Jennifer's idea, very creative!

If you had to give up one of the following which would it be - coffee, chocolate or your computer??

Sam said...

your post totally counts!! I too ran out of stuff to say earlier this week - gimme some inspiration!! ;-)

Goofball said...

cat pictures! we need more cat pictures

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