If You're Still Undecided You Live Under a ROCK!
According to the latest CNN poll, 7% of registered voters still don't know who they'll vote for in the upcoming presidential election. Seriously? Is it possible that some Americans are still saying, "Hmmmm... I dunno, I just can't decide who best reflects my attitudes, hopes and philosophies as an American -- Obama or McCain..."
Seriously? I simply can't believe that.Obama and McCain are diametrically opposed on just about any issue facing Americans today -- social issues, financial issues, foreign policy issues. Name an issue and you can bet that Obama and McCain have completely different philosophies and approaches. With our lives being inundated every minute of every day with a politically obsessed media, there's absolutely NO excuse for any thinking American to still be undecided about who to vote for to lead this country for the next four years.
So if you're still undecided, this is me calling you, well...
And ignorant.
And un-American.
Read a newspaper. Turn on the TV. Explore the Internet. Get out from under that rock and do something to educate yourself about the candidates who want to be the next president of YOUR United States of America at this absolutely critical time.
But do NOT tell me that you're "undecided"!

Ouch! :)
In all fairness, there are people who agree with one candidate on some issues and the other on other issues; fiscally conservative/socially liberal types, for example.
Also, some people don't like either candidate, and are debating giving their vote to a third party candidate; they like the idea of making a statement of sorts with their vote (maybe strengthening a third party), but at the same time realize that this is a choice to essentially throw away their votes.
I can see being undecided in both of those scenarios.
Ummm... that's a little insulting. No, that's a lot insulting. Both my husband and I are still hashing it out because as the first poster stated... there are issues we like and dislike about both candiates, and yet are hesitant to cast a vote for the third party. (I did that with Ross Perot and regretted it later with the Clinton Administration.) Part of me doesn't want to even vote, because I feel that it won't go with how I really feel.
We don't live under a rock, and we are eduacted people who have watched the debates, and the news, and read... but we still can't get on board with one candidate when they each have planks we don't agree with. We don't all simply vote along party lines... and some of are actually pondering it all out. Just because you jumped on a certain bandwagon a long time ago, doesn't mean the rest of us are stupid. For someone who is a liberal... where is your tolerance????
I have to agree with Anonymous here, but I think it's mostly folks who are really unhappy with both. Maybe they are still deciding whether or not to vote?
If it's because they just can't decide between the two... hmmmm... then you're right on, here.
I was going to say what Anonymous said - I disagree with both candidates on a few things, but the issues most important to me are represented by one candidate more than the other. But I know someone, for example, who is all for Obama except for the Iraq war issue (his opinion differs from mine, in that he still thinks we can "win in Iraq"). So he's still deciding whether he is more vehement about that issue vs all the others. With SO many issues to mull over, no one is going to agree with any candidate 100%. I think the undecideds aren't unaware of where the candidates stand, but rather are undecided about which issues to weight more heavily themselves.
Hold your breath Carol, you can get through it - less than 2 weeks until this is over (11/5 can't come soon enough for me)!
Well, Carol, I just VOTED! Managed to contact a Real Person somewhere in the depths of North Dakota by email, and she sent me Absentee Ballots and Avadavits and all that junk. Even accepted my last US address, even though the street has since been lost to a flood.
I don't know if it is wrong to still be undecided. There are too many gut issues out there. Strangely enough, I read a New Yorker article on Palin which tempered my opinion of her somewhat. Somewhat. She is not as unintelligent as she has been portrayed-- my continuing unease with her has to do with her faith-based beliefs, which I maintain led Dubya so far down the wrong path: he mistook the voices in his head for the voice of God and acted accordingly.
While I have already voted, I agree with anon. I was by no means undecided, however, I'm not exactly thrilled with the choice I made either. And to call someone "un-american" - that's just plain harsh and insulting. What does that mean anyway? It's just another label for someone that does not share your viewpoint. I heard that term used by the religious right once to often for it to have any meaning for me.
If I hadn't been reading Carol's blog for a long time, I'd think *maybe* she was being insulting, but knowing her style, I think she was just being passionate. :)
I actually agree ... at this point how could someone not know which of the candidates (since they are soooo different with such different perspectives on so many things) they are voting for? Personally I think undecided at this point really means something more along the lines of "I may not vote at all," or simply "I don't tell people, even anonymous polls, how I'm going to vote."
Wow -- talk about passion! I DO appreciate the passion in these comments... and OK, I give.
I can see that some people might not wholeheartedly support any one candidate or might support a different, lesser-known candidate -- and of course I have no problem with that because those positions are the result of being a thinking, involved person who cares, but just can't associate with any one candidate. Those are not the people I was addressing in my post.
Instead, I was addressing the apathetic adult, who can't be bothered with the process of educating him/herself and getting involved in the future of our country. There's no excuse for apathy this time; our country simply can't afford apathy right now -- no matter where you sit on the political spectrum.
And I stand by my post in that regard!
I agree with you and have already voted. Realistically, we will NEVER find a candidate we agree with 100%; he or she does not exist! I am proud of my choice because he reflects what I believe about this country and what a leader should be. And we are so close to the election that it's time to, as my parents would say sh*t or get off the pot!
This analogy of "non-decideds" brought it home to me (from an essay by David Sedaris):
"To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”
To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."
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