Practicing for Noni-hood
So I didn't get to go back to Germany today, but I did get to babysit for sweet baby Nora, the daughter of my co-worker, Rebekah -- and that made the day very nice indeed!
Rebekah had a late afternoon meeting, so I picked up Nora at daycare and brought her to her mama... but only after we did some ladies' shopping and some cooing and giggling and generally made fools of ourselves. (You're right -- a four-month-old really can't make a fool of herself, so I pretty much committed the foolery for both of us.)
She wasn't so sure when I first picked her up: "Can I see some identification, lady?"But she warmed up to me pretty quickly, and then it was all about showing off those adorable BABY BLUES!
I swear, girls have an innate instinct for the camera. I said, "Say cheese!" and she knew exactly what to do!
Right in the middle of our antics, who should show up, but the Big Boss-man (on the left) and two of my co-workers! Of course everyone wanted a cuddle!
(OK, not true -- only the grrrrrrls really wanted a cuddle...)And then Nora's mama showed up and I had to relinquish my baby-fix to her adoring mommy. It was painful!
So I'm practicing to be a Noni (a cross between "Nana," Tom's mom and "Omi," my mom) because really, I might just be one within five years! I'll just be getting used to empty nest, and then all the chickidees will find their way to Noni's Nest... I HOPE!

what a sweetie! I hope you'll be a Noni soon.
Being Oma is the GREATEST. Especially at times like last night, when granddaughter was not feeling too well and acting out, we could send her home with her parents! Hehehe! Seriously though, all it ever takes is one look from those big blue eyes to melt my heart. And all of our five grandchildren have those beautiful blue eyes.
What adorable eyes she has! I went to look at R's schedule, and it was crazy. I was exhausted just reading it.
Very strange, but I swear that when I was looking at the pictures of her, my breasts tingled like they did 22 years ago when I was nursing! (There are some things that I guess are truly hard-wired). Part of it could also be that my son had about that much hair when he was that age and the memory of kissing that head and how it felt seems just like yesterday. Yes, I hope I get to be a Noni someday, too. (But not too soon...need to be careful what I wish for!)
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