I Don't Wanna Talk About It, Okay?! Part (no) Drei (eyes)
Part one, the day Peter flew the coop, occurred exactly a month ago.
Part two, the day Kat took flight, occurred almost exactly two weeks ago.
And now look at Aleks, packing for college in a bunch of garbage bags (as any good frat boy will do):(I think the fact that I'm hot-flashing fast and furious through it all is cruel... just really, really cruel!)

Yeah, mine is all packed for Western, although being a girl, it's all in boxes or cutesy bags. She leaves in a week!!
get over it........it happens, life goes on.
Hey anonymous -- no need to be snippy! I assume you're not a regular reader?
Also, please see my note above the comment box...
Wow. Like you needed THAT.(On 9/11 no less, when you would think people would be a bit more compassionate than usual).
Don't worry, they will be back with the dirty clothes and the S.O.s, (no, I am going to RESIST the temptation to write a poem)...
You have a close-knit family and that is not going to change. This has both Advantages and Disadvantages.
You will write copiously about both.
Oh, Carol, too many of your chicks are flying the coop! At least these last two will be nearby, right?
Big hug coming your way;
I thing it's hilarious he packs in garbage bags though :p. Boys will always be boys I suppose :p
ok and in that hug I just sent you, I all of a sudden make a unexpected tickle attack.
I bet I got you laughing now, don't you?
It is a big deal... I'm sure that all of your little fledgelings will be home often though.
Geesh anonymous, just because it's a bittersweet time doesn't mean she doesn't know it's healthy and right for her children to be leaving home.
I'm already getting sniffly at the thought of my kids moving out, and my oldest just started at the school Carol's twins graduated from.
Anytime you want to meet for coffee or lunch Carol, let me know!
Awwww, thanks everyone! Actually, this is our first evening with kids moved out... and I'm kinda liking it! Maybe this won't be so bad after all! :-)
And Lynn -- I'm game! Let's do it before the weather turns crappy!
Man! That just isn't fair. Empty nest and hot flashes at the same time? Those have to be two of womens worse things to deal with in life. You have my complete sympathies. Both get better. One day you will have grandkids and all will be right with the world again!
haha -- well I admit that I don't think I'll have any real angst over an empty nest, but I do think that Carol IS "get(ting) over it ..." just in her own way which may not be anonymous's way (or mine!), but it's a process when life changes and ain't it grand that we can all go through it in the way that's best for us!
I'm already dreading and I have years to go yet -but as we all know the years fly. If you find something that works for you and makes the adjusting a little easier please share!!!
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