Trippy, man!
This is a Facebook conversation between Aleks and a heretofore unknown girl who's also in the "University of Washington Class of 2012" group, consisting of thousands of random incoming freshmen.
Is this wild, or what?!
August 19 at 2:47pm
lol its exciting for me!! I live in a desert! I live in R****
August 19 at 3:37pm
Ohhh I used to live there! By like an Albertson's or something when I was like 4 haha. Yeah that place definitely is a desert tho, you'll definitely like Seattle!
August 20 at 7:05am
no way! i live right be albertsons lol. We hang out in the parking lot sometimes cause its so lame here. its sad.
August 20 at 1:37pm
haha thats wild. idk it was like...up a hill, in a neighborhood. and there was a park and playground and stuff. but yeah i know what you mean, i live in w***** and there isn't shit to do here most of the time either. next year won't be anythign like that :)
August 20 at 9:10pm
dude, your trippin me out. I live up a hill, in a neighborhood and theres a park and playground. i live in a cul-de-sac and theres like a path that goes to the park! but yea, this year should be legit!
Today at 4:48am
haha i think thats exactly where i lived... like there was definitly a path to the park...and this girl named christina used to live like across the street, she was lebanese...
Today at 3:33pm
WTFFFF. holy shit. i think you lived in my house. No joke. Christina lives across the street. 178 n***** place?? This is so weird.
Today at 5:01pm
holy shit im so tripped out right now, yeah thats it. WTFWTFWTFWTF. haha this is sooooo wiiiillllddddddd, i just told my parents and they were like "yeah we did all the landscaping and laid down the rocks (?) and left them a gift basket before we left, i remember the name k*****." im actually tripped out right now so bad its not even funny. my room was like, up the stairs and to the left in like that big bonus room.
Today at 5:37pm
NOOOOOO WAY! THATS MY ROOM. hahaha this is scary. super weird. like what are the chances.
Have I said it before? I LOVE THE INTERNET!!

Unbelievable! Wow...
And yes, I LOVE the internet!
Oh that's a great story. So now the two of them are going to meet in person once classes start at the UW, right?
Before that, actually! Apparently they'll meet this weekend at a party.
That is waaaaayyyyyy too funny! It was like our Tunnel Road exchange.
This gives new meaning to 'the world is a small place'.
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