I've Become a Politics Junkie!
Who'dathunk it? Me, a CNN politics junkie?!
Looks that way -- at least in the past week or so. I was positively glued to the Democratic Convention, and then to the stunning announcement of Palin as VP candidate, which scared the bejeezers outta me, and yesterday to the news of Gustav following in the path of Katrina exactly three years to the day later. (It's horrific, and my thoughts are with New Orleanians!)
And then this morning, news -- or rather, rumors at this point -- that points pretty convincingly to Sarah Palin being the grandmother, not the mother of baby Trig. Three things (I hesitate to call them flat-out facts at this point) tell me that the rumors are likely true:
- Palin announced her fifth pregnancy to her staff a full seven months into it -- and she wasn't showing! Helllooo! Any mother having her FIFTH baby shows waaaaaay earlier than seven and a half months; that's just the way subsequent pregnancies are. Maybe first pregnancies can be hidden for seven months, but I sure don't know of any fifth pregnancy that can be! Now way. No how. Not Sarah's baby.
- At the same time, her 16-year-old daughter, Bristol, was absent from school with a SIX month bout with mono. Elisabeth had mono, a pretty bad case of it, even, requiring her to come home from Cal early at the end of her freshman year. She was housebound for maybe three weeks. I don't buy six months home and away from one's life because of mono. No way. No how. Not Sarah's baby.
- Sarah's water apparently broke early in the morning one April day when she was at a governor's convention in Dallas. (Now on this one I'm pretty confident, given that I'm a Certified Childbirth Educator...) Instead of going to a local hospital in Dallas that day (which any decent doctor would recommend for a 44-year-old multiparous mother, pregnant with a special needs baby), Sarah apparently got on an Alaska Airlines flight to Alaska, via Seattle. EVEN if she got on that flight with her water broken, why wouldn't she get care in Seattle, where some of the best high-risk neonatal care facilities are located? She didn't. She apparently flew on to Anchorage, where there's at least one hospital with an NICU...but she didn't get care there, either. Instead, she drove another 45 minutes to a tiny hospital outside her home town, to deliver her special needs baby there? I'm not buying it. A 44-year-old mom who is on pregnancy number five has too high a risk of both a precipitous labor and of infection if she casually waits 8 hours after her water breaks... and travels the entire time. No way. No how. Not Sarah's baby!
Know who I feel sorry for in all this? Bristol. Talk about shame and guilt and lies... That poor girl should be allowed to just deal with all the emotions and events of her past year -- and she should be supported and helped through all this. Can you imagine what she's being forced to silently endure?
The more I get wrapped up in all this stuff, the more I believe that politics is just one big life-sucking, lie-inducing, ambition-driven plague.
Ooooh. Gotta go. CNN is calling to me!