Waiting for Waiting-List Wonder
Last month, Kat received notice that she had been put on the waiting list for acceptance to the University of Washington. Although she didn't get a flat-out rejection letter, she also didn't receive that coveted big purple envelope with the word "ACCEPTED!" spanning the width of the envelope. At a time when most conversation between friends -- and even conversation-starters from friends' parents -- revolve around which university everyone will be attending next year, being in limbo has been tough on Kat, and I have a feeling that her positive and easy-going spirit belie the turmoil she must be feeling about the lack of solid plans in her life.It didn't help that this article was front-page news in today's Seattle Post-Intelligencer. "The UW may not turn to its wait list this year," the article states, "and it has accepted just a handful of wait-listed students with successful petitions or other extenuating circumstances." This is not good news for Kat. Her high school grades are exemplary, she has a ton of extra-curricular activities, and she is completing an intensive health occupations program in which she was just awarded a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) certificate. But still, no big, beautiful purple envelope...
Aleks, who is already at UW in spirit (and who had even already joined a frat!), has been so bothered by this that he wrote the Director of Admissions a letter. I won't quote all of it because it'd embarrass him and he'd give me that, "Mom, not cool" look, but here's an excerpt or two (I'll try to post them without getting all blurry-eyed):
"I would not lobby for this cause if I did not absolutely feel that my sister is worthy of being admitted to the University of Washington. While both she and I worked extremely hard in high school, and I am overjoyed to be attending the UW, I feel that if the Admissions Office were to accept only one of us, it should have been my sister. I say this not to bring a doubt to my admittance, but to emphasize the qualifications that Katherine exhibits in her day-to-day life, qualities that embody precisely what I believe the University looks for in a candidate for admittance."
"While I generally test better than Katherine (namely on the SAT), and feel that this may be a factor in my admittance and my sister’s wait-list status, I want to stress the wider picture of who Katherine is. She is much more than a number on a score sheet could ever represent. Katherine has volunteered continuously throughout high school at both Evergreen and Harborview Hospitals, and if you cannot already tell, has an obvious and great passion for the health occupation field. I believe that her dedication and commitment to this professional and her service to her community in general over the years should be a factor in the UW Admissions Office’s decision."
Is that, like, so cool?! I'm not sure if it will do anything; according to the article in the P-I, it won't. But it should. I know I'm the mommy and I know that I'm not exactly objective, but at this pivitol point in Kat's life, I hope it does make an impression and I hope it does have an impact!
Cross your fingers for Kat!

You must be SO proud of both of your kids. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for Kat!
I certainly have my fingers crossed for Kat! If that purple envelope doesn't come through, could she go to a local community college and then transfer? That's what many students have done here in terms of University of Michigan. They've also saved quite a bit of tuition that way, as well. ;-)
Oh man...what a guy! You must be so proud. I hope his letter does make an impact, I'm sure it's not something admissions sees very often.
BTW, they both looked gorgeous for the prom!
what a fantastic letter he wrote! I sure hope it works.
What a guy to go to bat for his sister like that!
Your kids are just terrific!
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