Well Blow Me Down!
The West Coast is known for earthquakes, and Washington State is known for rain and windstorms, but we're not normally concerned about tornadoes around here.
You can imagine the surprise people felt when they heard about this doozie that struck our lovely state yesterday! Now I can't get the "witch on a bicycle" music from the Wizard of Oz out of my head...

The weather is certainly getting awfully strange. I'm sorry folks went through that.
I caught that on the news tonight, pretty weird. We too have had weird weather this winter. We've had two days of almost hurricane 1 strength winds, bizarre...ciao
ha! my friend and i used to hum that every time we saw someone zoom by on a bike during college. i still think of it from time to time when i see a biker going past. ;)
thanks for the comment love!
yikes, nature can be scary!
well.......beats our category 2 cyclone last weekend. At least we did not sustain any serious damage; although a neighbout had a tree fall on the house and car!
Now THAT is the right attitude. I'd be battening down the hatches!
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