Ask Me Anything
Some of my favorite bloggers, like MetroDad, Nothing But Bonfires and, of course, Pioneer Woman, have a regular feature that I've always assumed is reserved for the really famous, really popular, really cool bloggers. They sometimes take "questions from the audience" and answer them in a post. (SFX: Ooooohs and aaaaahs...)
So even though I'm anything but famous, and probably only have enough readers for a moderate-length interview (and that's if you ALL contribute!), I thought it would be fun to PRETEND that I'm one of those oh-so-cool, oh-so-famous bloggers who I admire from afar. It'd be kind of akin to pretending that my stuffed animals were alive and all adored me, "throwing" themselves on me like wild fans at a celebrity movie opening, or posing like a model in front of the mirror, making those "who me.... aww shucks!" faces.
(You did those things too, right? We're both perfectly normal, right?)
Aw hell, who am I trying to fool? So forget the silly illusions of gradeuer and take me for who I am. But take me... and ask me... anything. Anything at all. (And if you're shy or a devout lurker, just use the anonymous button; unless you sign your name like my dear friend Lynn, I'll have no clue who you are...)
Hello? Is there anybody out there?
Is this thing ON?
Tap, tap...

I'll play.
What is your favorite Christmas tradition and what tradition do you wish you had started long ago when your kids were small?
on which song do you feet start to dance without stopping? On which music can nobody drag you off the dancefloor?
If you would be allowed the gift of one luxury item, regardless of price, what would you choose?
What do you love most about living in the Northwest?
OK, I'll ask you anything. This is my first visit from Minivan Diaries. Interesting post on college savings, lovely children, terrible floods. So... I just started a new spinoff blog from my first and my goal is to get bloggers from all over to leave a comment that I will turn into a post describe YOUR PARTICULAR MENTAL MAP OF THE WORLD. You can get more info on the blog itself, called "POSTCARDS FROM BLOGGERVILLE" reachable via the upper right corner of my regular blog THE INDIVIDUAL VOICE. I'm excited to get a diversity of cognitive maps. You write well. Give it a shot. Pass the word. Read the other posts. It's really fascinating. Oh...I went on for too long. Sorry.
What do you enjoy most about writing? Would you write full time if you could, or is that too solitary an occupation for you?
If you were offered a job in Germany, with a salary to allow you and Tom to live comfortably *and* pay for all college tuitions, would you take it even though it would mean living apart from your family?
If you had to choose one meal, that you had to eat at every mealtime for the rest of your life, calories no object in this hypothetical, what would you choose?
What advice would you give to moms of young children, coming from the wisdom of one who has brought 4 to over 18?
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