So what's Nablopomo called for those of us who already post daily?! (I've posted 574 posts in 481 days! Yikes -- I had no idea I was quite that addicted!)
I'd be silly not to join, huh? OK, OK, I'm joining NOW!
And I'll just keep on postin' on, as I have been all along, an average of a post or so a day. Difference being that I'll be officially registered to do so! (But can't I still post here and not have to duplicate there?)

Oh ya Johnny-Come-Lately, you! It's about time you made the plunge!
At least you know you can reach the goal.
I already missed a day -- my travel/work patterns sometimes causes me to miss a day, and I can forecast two missed days in the next couple weeks. Ironically, one of the days will be for the blogger meet-up in Dresden!
Carol, you are one of the most prolific posters I know! This will be a snap for you. ;-)
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