I'm Blushing All Pink!
Ambra, over at Quasi Italiana has bequeathed upon me the Nice Matters Award, saying " I hope it is not the hundredth one you've received..."
HA! Are you kidding? Me? I never win awards (or contests, or the lottery, for that matter)!
I am honored to accept this award and to pass the love on to some other really nice (and inspirational, positive, interesting, friendly) blogging friends. My nominees for the next "Nice Matters Award" are:
Michelle at smoochdog.com, who has been really helpful to me with some job search issues lately. Thanks Michelle!
Dixie at Dixie Peach, who is the nicest wife and friend anyone could hope for! People in her life are lucky to have her around.
Jen at A2EatWrite, who is my most faithful commenter, always so nice and supportive -- and who is also a wonderful writer.
Ree at Confessions of a Pioneer Woman, who is so wildly popular-bordering-on-famous that she'll probably never know I even nominated her, but I absolutely LOVE her blog, filled with Photoshop tips and great recipes (how nice is that?!), and I am completely addicted to reading about life on her ranch!
Holly at Nothing But Bonfires who cracks me up constantly with her (incredibly well-written) stories. When I see that she's posted, I'm so ON it. Need my Bonfire fix! Holly's one of those people who you know would just be a blast to hang out with.
So thanks again, Ambra. You made my day! And to those I've tagged (and, heck, to anyone else who wants to play... since I'm apparently so nice), go spread the love!

Yay! And I'm tickled pink that you are! :) I chose your blog for several reasons, amongst them the awesome amount of love and pride you show for your kids. And that pregnant with twins picture! Incredible! And because you are always so positive. Your blog is a joy to read!
Baci e abbracci!
I would like to thank the "Academy..." and of course Northwest Ladybug herself. Thank you. I have never won a blog anything before - but I did win a free couch when the Red Sox won the World Series...
Thank you. I will surely pass along the love this weekend when I have some time to blog!
Oh, Carol, and now you've made MINE! Thank you SO much - this was a great day for me to find something cheering. I will post it proudly tomorrow!
And you know how much I love your blog! ;-)
Hi there,
Came across your blog via Dixie Peach. Lovely. I especially love your Ode to Joe poem; would you mind if I posted it and of course link it back to you? It describes my relationship w/ coffee to a T!
Hi UmmFarouq (is that a first and last name?)
Thanks for the compliment! I love DixiePeach too! I'm glad you like my coffee poem. It just came to me one morning as I was waiting for the drip, drip, drip!
As long as you 1.) give me credit and respect my Creative Commons copyright and 2,) link back to my site, I'm fine with you posting it.
I'm definitely putting your blog on my Google Reader list; it looks fascinating!
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