Friday, November 16, 2007

Did You Get Your Flu Shot Yet?

I did!


  1. no I didn't this year.

    btw...where does your Belgian exchange student come from? I am curious :)

  2. Always! I don't know if this has anything to do with the flu shots, but I have not had as much as a single cold in the last five years (since I started getting flu shots).

  3. I got my at the end of September. I sure wasn't going to get on any airplane without one!

  4. I'm a wimp. I have a certificate for a free flu shot because technically I'm a canton employee, but I'm afraid of needles and I haven't gotten the shot yet.

  5. I did get my flu shot but I did not look nearly as happy as you do!

  6. Nope. The one-and-only I got a flu shot, I got the flu. No thanks!

  7. We get ours on Monday. The VNA comes to our workplace every year. I found out how important it was my first year in the elementary school - I missed the entire Christmas vacation!

  8. Nope. I'm generally not a fan of vaccinations...
