A Weekend at WAZZU and the Palouse
If you're not from Washington State, you're probably wondering what the hell "WAZZU and the Palouse" means.
WAZZU is an affectionate nickname for Washington State University (also known as WSU), and the Palouse is a region in Eastern Washington, characterized by expansive rolling hills of wheat that seem to go on forever. It's absolutely desolate -- and absolutely beautiful!
Peter and Danelle will be going to WSU next year, so this weekend Tom and I joined Danelle's parents and our kids and we all drove four hours east to Pullman to cheer on WAZZU in their game against UCLA -- which they won! (Tom, ever the UCLA fan, was caught secretly cheering for UCLA under his breath and appropriately scolded by Peter and Danelle...)
It was a wonderful weekend and it was great for us parents to watch Peter and Danelle's get excited about their new school, their independence -- and yes, their new apartment.
On the way home I snapped photos galore; the Palouse is just so beautiful -- in sort of a desolate, lonely sort of way. The only thing that stopped me was the sunset and loss of light!

Beautiful landscape photos of the Palouse, Carol. Exciting times for the young, but perhaps a sigh of relief from you when you eventually off-load them to the next stage in their lives. ;-)
Very thoughtful images, Carol! Are ou still struggling with the new camera or are you at home with it?
The Palouse is beautiful and I'm glad the kids are enjoying their experiences together!
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