Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Walk Around the Block

A walk around our block is just over 9/10 of a mile long. Keeping track of 9/10th of a mile (not that I do... or would, but let's just say) can get mentally messy over time, so just to keep things tidy and fraction-free, I walk up and down our driveway once before my daily walk and once when I return.

I'm trying to walk the mile daily because... well, because it's healthy for the body and spirit and all that good stuff. Plus, I promised.

Here are a few visual snippets from my walk.

What do you see when you walk around your neighborhood/block?

I tag everyone who wants to play, but especially Geoffrey (Koeln), Jennifer (the gorgeous Colorado mountains), Holly (San Francisco), Metro Dad (NYC), Jennifer (Italy), and Goofball (Belgium).


  1. OK, I will try! It is a lovely idea anyhow.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I love it here in the fall. :)

    So- how did the interview go???


  3. ok give me some days to pictures won't be as pretty though as I live downtown!
