Dear Mr. Sunshine: What Happened to Summer?
It's been raining, really raining, for almost 24 hours straight, as well as off and on for a few days now, and Kat and Shasta wanna know, "Wassup wit da wedda?!"
While rain is one of the things I like about living in Seattle, days on end of rain in August just doesn't seem right. And with school starting in a week, it's beginning to feel like all hope is lost for much more summer. After the severe weather of last winter, it does feel like we kinda deserve an extra week or two of warm, dry weather. Or even just a normal ol' August.
I have an idea, Ol' Man Weather, if you're listening. How's about if, in exchange for this crud, you bring a week of 80 degree sunny, glorious weather to Seattle right around... oh, let's say next March. Eh? That'd work.

sorry Carol...but the sun is headed down South. we've been missing him.
weclome to summer weather in Germany. Good thing Sept is coming - the last 2 Septs have been nice and sunny.
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