YouTube(d), Bailey!
It was an abscess. Instead of growing out toward the skin, it was growing inward -- which is why it was barely noticeable. Once the vet punctured the abscess, it "exploded," revealing huge amounts of puss and fluid.
Poor Bailey had all that pressure building in her head for the past few days and, although she looks like a kitty-martian now with two drainage tubes going straight through her head, I have a feeling that she feels better, even with four incisions and all kinds of loopey-makin' meds, than she did this morning.
Her care for the next few days will be fairly intensive, which is fine. I'd rather nurse her back to health now than look for a job, anyway. :-/ Maybe I should go into nursing. (Seriously, that's another profession I like I would have loved -- labor and delivery nurse.)
We are all hugely relieved. I swear, this morning I was sure we were about to lose her. It'll be a while before she smells and acts right for Boo. Until then, I guess we'll just have to spoil both of them separately.
Thanks so much to all of you! I really appreciate all the kind wishes and positive thoughts. Somehow I'm sure it made a difference. Purrs to you!

Glad that Bailey is going to be okay!
My cat had the same kind of thing and what was memorable was that when the vet lanced it I was there holding my cat and suddenly the vet's voice became distant and the room turned white before my eyes and started to spin. I was fainting and was only saved by there being a chair nearby to fall into. Guess I'm not nurse material...
glad you worked out what was wrong. I would have LOVED to have been a midwife too...
I am so glad Bailey is on the mend.
He'll be Frankenkitty only a short while- I hope he's back to his sweet self soon, and I'm glad they found what was wrong!
Man, that must have been AWFUL for her! Glad to hear she's out of the woods and hope she's back to normal again soon!
oh poor Bailey, that must have been painful... I am so glad that you've found the abcess at time and that Bailey can now start getting better.
My cat has had that but growing outwards....but she was a Persian and we just got her one week and we had no clue... I remember (I was 8) coming in the living room only to find a trail of blood on the floor...ending at a frightened confused kitty hiding under the table.
Bailey will be fine with the necessary care!!
I'm glad it wasn't more serious and that Bailey is back to her ol' self in no time.
Awww, poor little thing! I'm so glad she's OK and that you found it in time. My parents have a couple of cats who get stuff like that all the time and it's awful. One of them had an abscessed tooth and had to have it pulled. Now she's right as rain.
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