I Love a Deal at the REI Scratch & Dent Sale!
Both Peter and Danelle work at REI, so we get advance notification about their occasional "top secret" Scratch & Dent sale which is so wildly popular and features such insanely slashed prices that it's almost a covert hush-hush operation and is only advertised by word of (whispering) mouth. REI is normally a quite expensive store, so finding deals at up to 90% or more off retail prices is quite the event. And because REI takes anything back for any reason, the stuff you can find at these Scratch & Dent parking lot sales vary from brand new with tags still on them, like the jacket Tom snagged today, to 20 years old and worn pretty much to shreds. (No kidding, there was a tent that had been generously used for 20 years! Twenty years! The tag even said so! Someone actually had the gall to return it. I wonder what reason they gave? "Tried it; decided it's just not right... anymore... too old... would like this year's model without having to actually PURCHASE it..."?! Grrrrr!)
Of course, we didn't intend to buy anything (yeah, riiiight), but of course we left with some pretty amazing "booty." (Yes, that was a word even before the advent of Jennifor Lopez.)My favorite treasure is this rolling pack from Eagle Creek (pictured, coincidentally, on the map of Germany we happened to have out, so we could make some travel plan adjustments). As you know from my post yesterday (#5), I LOVE luggage -- and this piece (er, actually pieces) of luggage is easy to love!
The whole thing converts easily from a rolling suitcase to a backpack, complete with waist belt and frame, and it even includes an additional removable day pack.
It's normally $290 (I wouldn't touch it for that), but for me... today, a low, low $49.95! Because it's so versatile, this will be great for our trip to Germany in September.
I also got THE most comfortable Merrell sandals and Keen shoes for $9.83 a pair. Never have I owned more comfortable shoes. (You can bet these will be with me in Germany, too!)
Tom got a bright yellow windbreaker (is that too loud for Germany? Does it scream "obnoxious American"?) for $14, bicycling gloves ($2.83) and stash bag ($1.83) and really comfortable Merrell shoes ($9.83).
I just love a good deal and -- I get this from my mom and Elisabeth has it from me -- I love to boast about what a good deal I got. Hide a great deal? Are you kidding? I say shout it from the mountain tops!
So next time I get covert notification that there will be an REI Scratch & Dent sale in the near future, I'll let you know. Just keep it on the down-low, bros.

windbreaker screams German, not american. go with it.
OK, I've been in the Seattle area for 5 years and have never heard of this sale! I feel like Christmas just came early! Please, please, do tell when the next one is coming!!
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