Don't Buy this House!
This house next door to us isn't haunted... exactly.
But if you buy it and move in, statistics gathered over the past 12 years indicate that the chance of you going through a vicious divorce hover around... 100%.
I remember wanting to warn the really nice young couple who moved in 18 months ago to stay away. They were the fifth couple/family to move into the house since we've lived here, and each of the other four couples ended up divorcing -- and all of the divorces occurred because the husbands decided to sow their wild oats and leave. The last guy, a young stylish attorney, wooed just about every woman in the neighborhood (except me; I was almost insulted that he didn't even try!) before she finally kicked him out.
This afternoon my neighbor told me that unfortunately her house would be on the market soon because -- you guessed it -- her husband left her in January. She said she hadn't even seen it coming; he just decided one day that he wasn't happy and that was that -- after 8 years of marriage. I was just about speechless when she told me and I decided to tell her the unfortunate saga of the house.
I think it almost made her feel better, as if it was more out of her control than she had even originally thought.

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