AFTER Photos (and an Excuse)
It's 8:00 and I've been at this for almost 12 hours. Admittedly, I didn't move like a mad woman today like I normally do... and admittedly I took a few breaks (oh yeah, you know that already), but I've decided that I really need to hire someone to do the really deep cleaning once every few months.
Yeah, so I didn't get to the bedroom yet. Heading there now -- maybe to clean and um... maybe to sleep.(Midnight addendum photo post -- see below. Now can I go to sleep?!)

Looks splendid! What rewards are you expecting for all this?
Unfortunately, just the (too short-lived) knowledge that the house is clean. I know... weird.
I'm definitely no clean-freak, but I do like to live in a "healthy, comfortable environment"!
Carol (who will begin to respond to comments here...)
Great job! My house looks like the before photos when it's clean. ;-)
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