My Bay to Breakers Baby (Er, I mean "Babe"!)
Elisabeth runs the Bay to Breakers "race" every year in San Francisco. Last year, she and her friends were the Fun Police (with a very FUN version of the Miranda Rights on their t-shirts), "arresting" spectators and throwing them into their "float jail," which came equipped with a dancing pole.This year, the same group decided to be the Baywatch Babes. This is them, with Elisabeth on the lifeguard stand.
The most original Bay to Breakers group has to be the "school" who dress up as salmon, start at the finish line and "swim upstream" toward the starting line! Hilarious! (I wonder if they're from Seattle?!)
Ah, to be 23 again!! Seriously.

Your kids have so much fun. They sound like great people. You should be proud, lady. You did a fabulous job.
My dad use to run this until one year it was hard to get up once he sat down at the finish line. He then delcared he was too old. I, myself, would never run it. it sounds like pure torture.
Didn't she feel guilty having all those nice young men carry her the whole time??
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