Interview for the Interview
Remember that job I decided to apply for at 4 AM the day the application was due -- the one for the Director of Program Management for the nonprofit organization that focuses on the social and emotional development, safety, and well-being of children through education and advocacy? Well, I got a call from the executive search firm today, telling me that they are forwarding my application to the organization and that they want to conduct a pre-interview interview with me! The job description itself is in the form of a "glossy" 7-page pamphlet and my application was equally as substantial, with long, detailed essays in response to four tough questions, as well as all kinds of additional information.
And now, of course, I'm excited about the possibility and wonder why I didn't jump on the application sooner. I think it's because I was still a bit disappointed not to have progressed to the interview stage for another position being recruited by this firm, an Executive Director position with a brand new health-oriented non-profit addressing the childhood obesity epidemic. I really can't let one disappointment dissuade me away from another possible success!
A few weeks ago I spent $270 for an appointment with a career counselor in a downtown Seattle highrise. Although it was helpful, I cancelled the next appointment, just not convinced that the advice I was getting was worth the fee I was paying. I decided to go on my own, with the help of a few workshops at WorkSouce. So last week I attended an "advanced resume" workshop and was impressed with the instructor and the advice he gave. I was so impressed that I asked him whether I could hire him on an hourly basis to help me with my resume. He said sorry, no, since private consultation would be a conflict of interest, but then went right on to tell me that he'd recommend me for a program that only accepts 26 people per year (based, apparently, on "drive and initiative") and essentially provides all the same services as Mr. $270 -- for FREE! I had my first meeting yesterday (it lasted over three hours!), with Mr. Resume Workshop to work on my resume.
But we never got to the resume. Instead, he feels that I wear too many hats right now (producer, educator, project and program manager, content developer, etc.) and that I need to focus more. So my assignment for our meeting tomorrow is to write an autobiography... nothing formal, just a "stream of consciousness," addressing what I wanted to do as a kid, where my aspirations come from, what I loved (and didn't love) about previous positions, etc. I've tried to start the dang thing ten times today and I just go blank. Normally I love to write this sort of stuff, so what's paralyzing me now?!
So as of today my worst habit is procrastination! Elisabeth's 23rd birthday is on Saturday and I'm gonna work on making her gift. I'll post photos as soon as she sees it herself so as not to ruin her surprise.

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