German Visitors
Eva is an exchange student from Germany. She doesn't live with us like Laura did last year, but I'm still involved in her life as her AFS liaison (unfortunately less involved since I started this job). Eva's wonderful -- full of spunk, always happy, and one of those people who seems to truly love every new experience.
Tonight Eva's extended host family, her boyfriend, Elisabeth and I met Eva at a local Italian restaurant to celebrate the arrival of her mother and sister from Koeln. When Eva's pizza arrived at the table, her mother exclaimed, "Everything really IS bigger in America!" Elisabeth and I both had a chance to speak some German and I noticed how very out of practice I am! It's gotten embarrassing! But we had a wonderful time nonetheless.
It was a nice way to end another stressful day.

I keep meaning to comment and let you know how great I think it is that you're involved with AFS. I was an AFS student in high school, and I hope we will be a host family one day (probably when we move back to the USA and we aren't seen as exchange people ourselves!). Viel Gluck.
You are a terrific contact person, maybe you should do some work for AFS!
Hurray hurray for youth exchange programs! It is so important that young people get this chance to live in a new culture and to open up their world.
Good for you that you are hosting or helping out exchange students! I am still so greatful for all my Canadian friends and host families who made my Rotary youth exchange to the Kootenays the most incredible year of my life!
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