A Peek Inside my Purse
I'd never ask anyone to show me the contents of their purse, but my guess is that you could learn quite a bit about someone that way. So I've decided to dive into Dixie Peach's assignment (challenge?) and post the uncensored contents of my purse for those who are as unabashedly voyeuristic as I am. And while we're at it, I'm passing on the assignment! Here are the rules:
~ Take a photo of the handbag/purse that you are using today.
~ Dump it out and take another photo.
~ Make a list of everything in your bag.
~ Post it on your blog (and let me know!)OK, here goes:
Yeah, I like big purses. I have a really hard time finding purses because I have REQUIREMENTS! (Don't we all?) First of all, I need a separate compartment for my cell phone, something easily reachable without looking, so I can get it while driving. (I know, I'm bad.) I also prefer a separate place for my iPAQ, but this purse doesn't have that so I do a lot of fumbling.
I am decidely NOT one of those women who uses multiple purses. I'll use this one daily until I don't -- and that will be because I was enticed by another, which I'll use until... well, yeah.
When it comes to purses, I'm very faithful until I'm fickle!
The contents are (roughly clockwise -- with a zig and a zag -- from top right):
My camera (blue case), which is always with me. Always, always, always.
My big ol' honkin' wallet, which is filled WAY too full with receipts, photos, and waaaaay too many pennies!
My keys, which I've learned to put on something really easy to find when I'm blindly reaching into my purse.
My cell, which turns off without warning a few times a day. I can't wait till April 11th, when I can get a new one (with two-year agreement).
My 8 GIG flash drive. Yup, EIGHT! Hardly "flash," huh?!
My iPOD. OK, it's really a Sansa. Contains about 560 songs.
My iPAQ, my life.
My glasses case, containing the pair of glasses I'm not currently wearing. I constantly switch back and forth from reading to distance glasses. Unfortunately, because I have a prism in my glasses, neither contacts nor bifocals work for me, so I have to put up with the constant switch-o change-o. (Interesting tidbit: The prism is because of a vertical imbalance caused by a stroke that I apparently had when birthing the twins. According to an opthamologist I saw years later, it caused fourth cranial nerve damage. Fortunately I have no odd twitches or speech impediments -- so far.)
Extra-strength Tylenol, purchased in Las Vegas.
Lickstick (Reminder to self: almost out; buy more.)
Dental floss and dental floss picks
Sinus headache capsules. I need them desperately lately, when the mystery affliction hits.
Tanning goggles. Used three times, twice when I went tanning before Hawaii and once on the beach in Maui.
Hair paraphernalia
Credit card pouch. Also contains stuff like CPR card (expired), social security card, voter registration card, various restaurant punch cards (Taco del Mar, Subway, Qdoba, etc.), stamps, a few biz cards (mine and others'), etc.
A notebook for random thoughts. Empty.
Lotions and lip balm. The citrus lotion smells fabulous!!
Checkbook. Rarely used. (Why do I still carry this thing around?!)

I love your "Notebook for random thoughts. Empty." Does this mean your thoughts are empty, or are all your thoughts directed thoughts?
I have the opposite problem. I never have to remind myself to buy lipstick. I need to be reminded to stop buying it!
Loved the peek into your purse life!
After I downloaded 362 photos from my camera, I actually did this on my blog. Thanks for the nudge to get my photos organized. :)
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