Can someone please explain to me why a man whose utmost exclamation of excitement is along the lines of "Oh, very nice," and who has never whooped and hollered or jumped for joy in his entire life can find a thrill to warrant this kind of excitement in, of all things, a MARSHMALLOW BLASTER?!
Oh my gosh, where did he find that? Dennis would be equally excited with one for his birthday in May. :)
They're at REI. I swear it's the result some drunken contest for the most outrageous, implausible, unrealistic, useless idea!
...and Tom insists hat I add that "they shoot marshmallows FORTY FEET"! Ohhhhhhh... @@
Well tell Tom that we had someone over here for July 4th who brought a homemade "marshmallow CANNON" and was shooting marshmallows (and other food items) from our backyard up over the trees and the people around the corner from us were having them land in their yard! Imagine enjoying your nice July 4th block party and having burnt hot dogs (yes, they were shooting those) raining down on you.
Thanks for the REI tip! :)
I can totally emphathise with Tom.......great stuff. It is the same useless but FUN stuff and why men enjoy fishing and all the hocus pocus that go with it. Its fun.........lighten up!!
She doesn't need to lighten up- she's just kidding around. She loves that guy dearly, quirks and all. :)
He would enjoy my brother Eric, who recently went out to the park on the river (Minneapolis) with his son and my son, and they tested out a Potato Cannon that they had made, involved loading potato slices into a length of pipe and igniting hairspray-- I don't understand the workings completely and am not sure I want to (fear of being branded a would-be terrorist) but them taters landed on the other side of the Mississippi.
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