My Distraction
Yes, I was laid off from Microsoft last Friday. Yes, I have interviews every single day this week. Yes, I am in a very serious, motivated (and on-and-off-panicky) state of mind. And yes, I will post about all that once I'm through this bout of influ-views.
For now, though, I'm enjoying THIS distraction:
(Unfortunately, embedding the video kills my sidebar, and even altering the HTML parameters doesn't help -- unless I'm doing that wrong. Help! ? Grrrrr!)

hi carol - got here via Christina's blog (I've even met her in person). Anyhow, bad luck that you are laid off. At least you don't have immigration determining when you might be able to find get back to work!!!
Good luck with the job and I'll have to read more. Your close neighbor...
maybe the comment about the novel should have been here.......another day and how many more pages of this novel. Or will it be a novella?
Actually I think it's the pumpkin photo that has pushed your sidebar down - it's a bit too wide. get the YouTube videos to fit you can change the size in the embedded HTML. It think it's supposed to be somethinge like 350 and 425???
Good luck with your interviews. I'm sure you'll be swimmming in job offers.
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