My Current To-Do List
One.) Write an outline for the book and finally start writing it. It's been written in my heart and my mind for years; now that I have time, it's time to finally put it on paper!
Two.) Take a few classes at the University of Washington's Women's Center Lifelong Learning program. Some of those classes, like Memoir & Memory, would really help with my book.
Three.) Zero in on my career goals, identifying what I do well and what I don't, what I love and what I don't. It's no accident that I was turned down all three times that I applied for producer jobs at casual gaming companies, for example. I really need to stay in creative development of education or edutainment media -- preferably lower-tech media, and preferably in a work-at-home or an in-office-and-telecommute arrangement. Real (as opposed to clueless) health education media for teens would be ideal. Find that job.
Four.) Lose 20 more pounds. Why have I stopped journaling what I eat, and why am I not believing that I can do this? It's self-defeating and bad for my health.
Five.) Move more. I've asked for an iPod for my birthday with Ben Folds loaded onto it as "seed music." I really think I'd exercise more if I had an iPod. Or maybe that's just an excuse.
Six.) (No, ONE...) Live like I were dying. What would I do then? Do it now. Be brave.

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