Creative Thinking is Untidy
In a few hours, I'll lead a brainstorming session for our team. In attendance will be about thirty Microsoftie left-brainers and one right-brainer (me). It should be interesting.
Asking people who code all day in a linear, logical manner to think abstractly and creatively is no small request. It is huge, a temporary re-mapping of their brains, and I presume that it is as thoroughly exhausting for them as it would be for me to attempt math or logic puzzles all day.
So I will go about it gently, introducing them slowly to this unfamiliar way of thinking, even coaxing and encouraging them with candy. The goal is to ultimately come up with a name for this new platform we're working on -- a creative name, not something like Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager Server. (And not something weird like Zune, either...)

So how did it go?
It never goes as one expects... but it went quite well.
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