1400 (2253 kilometers) Miles Later...
We're home! After having a blast in Las Vegas, we got in the car and drove...and drove... and drove! I don't think I've ever driven that far in that short a time! Basically, it went really well. Thank goodness we had no mechanical problems. The only problem we did have was with a... um... different approach to the driving aspect of the whole thing. Elisabeth is 22, very impatient and very... well -- DRIVEN. She's stubborn, determined, and she lives life at high speed -- and, it turns out, she drives a car with the same impetuous attitude! And the more I'd fret and complain and cajole and flinch and lecture, the more she'd push it, defiant child that she is! I'm sure I'll eventually I'll have blood flow back in my nuckles, but oh my gawd! (I love you, m'dear!
As long as we weren't driving, we did great and had a wonderful time together! It was a blast doing the whole Las Vegas thing together and I am honored that she could have taken any of her friends but took her mommy instead. It was definitely a bonding experience and we've vowed to do it again again someday... without the driving piece of it.The play in Ashland was great, and the dog did, indeed, steal the show. The production was creative and hilarious and just a lot of fun! Afterwards we went to Chateaulin, one of Ashland's landmark resaurants, for French onion soup, delicious salad and scrumptious desserts. It was great to have a chance to get to know Lou better and I can't think of anyone more perfect for my dad. How wonderful to see him so incredibly happy after so many rough years -- both during Mom's illness and before.
We left Ashland this morning at 6:15 and we drove into our driveway at 1:59 (see reference to driving above), allowing me enough time to actually get some Microsoft work in... which is a good thing after a weekend like that!

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