They're (Mostly) Happy Tears
For E's graduation from Cal, I made her a scrapbook of her life. Worked on it during every spare moment I had for months, some nights till 4 or 5 AM (totally not like me!).
I presented it to her at the party we had for her immediately following the graduation ceremony (what an emotional day!). Here are some photos of that "unveiling."
This is "Omi's" page. E was very, very close to Omi, and it really got to her. I hope it's not mean to say that that was actually the intent!
I wanted those pages to really feel like Omi.
And the page she's laughing at is a page that has a photo of her at 6 months in a Stanford sweatshirt -- a definite NO-NO for a Cal alumna! The copy says "Mom's alma mater -- not for her daughter!" The little window she's opening reveals a photo of her just weeks previous to this, in which she was cold and grabbed the first sweatshirt available -- my Stanford sweatshirt! I, of course, quickly snapped a picture... and USED it! :-)I'm so proud of my "little grrrrl"!

My 3-year old grandson just decided to call me Omi instead of Oma. It's so cute when he says "silly Omi"
and you did a very nice job with the scrapbook :)
I looove it when little kids say Omi instead of Oma. It's just so cute!
Love the photos of the scrapbook presentation.
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